Class file :---------------------------------


refers to the entities that dwell below the mortal lands in
the darker realms of raknemedrah


Technical information:

Humans are not good or evil; their are just selfish.
-Concentration camp survivor

" i ve become rather cinical about us as a spiecies. our barbarity makes me derpressed. i've decided to vent out my frustration on mortalkind in my story. I went to a medival artefact exibition at a local museum and was shocked to see the punny little forks and knives that the people used to eat compared with the huge crossbws and other massive waepons on display. it looked to me like all their resouces went into fighting and not much was left for anything else. i find this primitive and supid as a way of being. there is more to being human than spending ones life fighting....

Jane Roberts /Seth resumes mortalkind perfectly in one of her books(weather it is true or not is beside the point. the concepts contained in the section were inspirational to me. That is all that matters.):

``A nuclear weapon in the hands of the inhabitants of middle-age europe would have been used almost immediately, and with nary a qualm, to wipe out all but Christendom. Christendom may well have perished along with the rest of the world, but this possibility would not have been considered, so narrow and evilly self righteous were the governing powers at the time.
in those days neither did a sane , reasonasble man give thought to sharing his wealth, or even consider the plight of the poorest classes. Not only was charity not given, its practical nature was not even considered. (...)
It was sacrilege to try to help those whom god had cursed. Animals were tortured in sport. Compasssion for living things in males was regarded as a weakness to be plucked out. Women were scarecely thought of as human, except in very select circles...``

- Jane Roberts/Seth, The seth material p.306

Kind of reminds me of how humans still behave today...we truly are a despicable lot...)



Copyright 2004 Felix Quednau. All rights reserved.